Since Spider-Man got $65M to flop on Broadway, I figure it makes sense to leak some information about Red To Green: The Musical, A Startup Odyssey.

Here are some notes from the Playbill:

  • Overture
  • Act I: Greenfields
    • To Shave A Yak
    • Ship-It (How I learned to stop worrying and love `cap deploy`)
    • Balance
  • Act II: Product/Market Fit
    • Churn, Baby, Churn
    • One More Line
    • Tomorrow (we'll fix the tests)
  • Act III: Re-Factor
    • Velocity: Running to stand still
    • Offshore? You Whore!
    • Big Bang 2
  • Act IV: Acquisition
    • Due Dilligence
    • The Offer
    • Retrospective & Refrain (Serial Entrepreneur)

    Sample Lyrics:

    "We'll all feel better, with a geo-social sweater" -- To Shave A Yak 

    "`I'd rather be successful than well-rested`, an attitude that's battle-tested..." -- Balance

    "I think my eyes are getting bleary, maybe it's from all this jQuery" -- One More Line

    "The bugs wake me up at night, I try to re-factor, but I'm losing that fight.  Just one more batch, fuck-it, I'll monkey-patch." -- Velocity: Running to stand still

    "This is our Cap Sheet?  It's more like a crap sheet!" - The Offer

    Early Reviews:

    "This is just another reminder that Angles can be Demons, too." - Jason Fried

    "Their technology is impressive, I'm just not sure how large of a market there is for this." - Fred Wilson

    "No wireless. Less songs than a Nomad. Lame." - CmdrTaco

    "Don't Dilute Me, Bro!" - Dave McClure


    (Our test suite takes a while to run, and this post was written while waiting for the little green dots to show up.)